Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dominion Storifies


I decided after Season 1, since I was becoming aware of writers, producers, directors, actors, and various other important Dominion folk, that I would attempt to keep some kind of record of events that happened during production. I had fooled around with Storify for some fun stuff and turned nearly Vauron-like attention on a list of Dominion staff when they started pre-production in South Africa, oh gosh, in mid-February.  Here are links and titles to the alarmingly large number of them that I did. In addition to fooling around beforehand and chronicling production, once the season began, I did a few other Storifies. Enjoy!

Season 1 Fun Stuff

Jenn’s #DominionMe Activity Matrix- https://storify.com/kiddle/jenn-s-dominion-activity-matrix


Preproduction and Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 Action and Adventure in Capetown
Week 6 Teaser Week
Week 7 Sneek Peek City
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10 New Dark Trailer
Week 11
Week 12 Writer’s almost done
Week 13 Lucky Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16 – What week is this???
Week 17
Week 18 Vaun’s Adventures in CapeTown
Week 19 – Fandom Quivers
Week 20
GAHHHHHH – Storify broke!!

Season 2 Fun Stuff

The Glorious #Dominion Banner Contest - https://storify.com/kiddle/the-glorious-dominion-banner-contest

#Dominion E206 Live Tweet Compendiumhttps://storify.com/kiddle/206-lt-compendium 

@DominionSyFy is on their GAMEE209 https://storify.com/kiddle/dominionsyfy-is-on-their-game  

@DominionSyFy  - Things you miss while watching DominionE210 - https://storify.com/kiddle/things-you-miss-when-watching-dominion-all-the-cle

@DominionSyFy’s Bad TripE211https://storify.com/kiddle/dominionsyfy-s-bad-trip

@DominionSyFy Penultimate EpisodeE212 - https://storify.com/kiddle/another-dominionsyfy-recap-penultimate-week

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