Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kiddle Videos

I wanted to create a couple of things to remember the show by (while we hopefully wait for it to be picked up by some network or Netflix).

Dominion Retrospective (Ghost Lights)

This video is compiled from photos from SyFy's story recaps and the Dominion 101 collection. (See the website resources page for a link to the video spot on the site. The recaps are hilarious.)  It's so moving to see the arc of the show again through stills (with some kind of cool music).  It reminds me of just how good the acting was on the show and how interesting the special effects were, as well. 

Dominion Fan Art (I Can't Stay)

This video is compiled from fan art which was tweeted/retweeted by Vaun Wilmott.  Astonishingly, I believe Vaun collected maybe 1,000 pieces of individual fan art.  There were so many beautiful pieces, and this video showcases about 50, so maybe 5% of the total art.  For two years, I was amazed at the quality of created material for the show. It was nice to put this to music, as well. 

Dominion Fan Art 2 (Always with Me, Always with You)

Here is another compilation of lovely fan art, plus a few of the concept art pieces supplied by Vaun. Hope you all enjoy.   

I hope to add more pieces over time.

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